About Our Club

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Welcome fellow Rotarians and prospective members!
Thank you for your interest in the Rotary Club of Oxford Hills and for visiting our Club’s website!  Although we continue to be impacted with various aspects of the pandemic, we have accepted these challenges and are moving forward in our service to the Oxford Hills community, the Great State of Maine, our country and to the world.
We are a diverse group of civic-minded individuals who take an active role in making our area a great place to live, work and play.  We currently have about 25 members and are always looking to add more to our ranks to share in our work, fun and fellowship.  Oxford Hills Rotarians can be seen in our community assisting at area food banks, performing community service projects, presenting dictionaries to area school’s third graders, hosting a May Day Play Day, assisting with Project Graduation, collecting items for Christmas for Teens or awarding scholarships to graduating high school seniors.  We raise funds to support these efforts through holiday Cheese Wheel sales, staffing Road Tolls and holding Raffles.  This year’s Rotary International’s motto is “The Magic of Rotary” and we actively embrace this concept in everything that we do within our Club and in our personal lives.
We meet every Wednesday morning at 7:30 at the First Congregational Church in South Paris and would love to have you visit with us!  We also offer an opportunity to attend our meetings via Zoom.
We would love to answer any questions that you may have about our club.  Please feel free to contact Club President Dan Allen at 207.592.4262 or dallen49@hotmail.com.